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Online economy tutors

Is economy a subject you are struggling with?
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$12 /h
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18 lessons

Teaches: Economics

Hi everyone, my name is Alessandra, I'm 25 years old and have a master's degree obtained with honors in Economics and Management. I worked in ...

$9 /h
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202 lessons

Teaches: Economics

I have been teaching private classes in different subjects for 13 years, especially related to mathematics and economics, to high school, high school ...

$12 /h
Free 20 min. trial
Daniel E.




Daniel E.


116 lessons

Teaches: Economics

Knowledge in Economics, management and transformation of data, with 3 experience

I am a passionate economist with over three years of experience teaching Macroeconomics in both English and Spanish, aiming not just to educate, but t...

$9 /h
Free 20 min. trial
Lisebo M.

Lisebo M.

South Africa

New Tutor

Teaches: Economics


Lisebo Maredi is a Fund Accountant with 14 years’ experience in the Employee Benefit industry. Therefore, she has acquired both knowledge and skills o...

$14 /h
Free 20 min. trial



New Tutor

Teaches: Economics

"Unlocking the Beauty of Economics: Your Personal Guide to Mastering Acing Exams!"

Greetings! I'm Chris Harry, your guide through the fascinating worlds of Economics and Accounting. With 7 years of experience in the field, I bring a ...

$22 /h
Free 20 min. trial



8 lessons

Teaches: Economics

Bachelor of Science in Economics @ Penn State University, Pennsylvania

Hi, I'm André, a graduate in Economics from Penn State University in the United States. I am a native speaker of English, Spanish, and Portuguese. I h...

$9 /h
Free 20 min. trial


South Africa

New Tutor

Teaches: Economics

Economics teacher online with experience of teaching the subject online

Hello, everybody!Im teacher Jairos from South Africa. I hold a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting from Midlands State University in which i specilised...

$22 /h
Free 20 min. trial






New Tutor

Teaches: Economics

Economics tutor/examiner with 14 years of teaching CIE, Edexcel, OCR, and IB.

Hello! I am Peter, Economics and Business, teacher. I have over a decade of teaching experience in Economics, Mathematics, Business Studies, Enterpris...

$14 /h
Free 20 min. trial






New Tutor

Teaches: Economics

Je suis un étudiant en Economie, Statistique et Modélisation à la FASEST sur le campus Cité scientifique de Villeneuve d'Ascq et je souhaite me diriger vers l'enseignement et la recherche. Je propose des cours en Economie / Macroéconomie / Microéconomie du lycée à la L1, des cours de Mathématiques et de l'aide aux devoirs et soutien scolaire. J'ai déjà quelques heures de cours particuliers à mon actif et j'accompagne un enfant en bénévolat venant d'un milieu défavorisé. J'aime les sciences économiques depuis le lycée car cette discipline permet d'avoir une compréhension du monde qui change l'entièreté de notre perspective. Elle nous apprend à avoir une approche rationnelle sur de nombreux sujets et développe notre esprit critique face à la masse d'informations que l'on peut recevoir au quotidien. Les sciences économiques permettent aussi, à travers le cadre théorique et empirique, d'avoir des clés de lecture afin de décrypter de nombreux sujets d'actualité et ainsi, avoir un avis éclairé. Au fil de mes études, j'ai réalisé à quel point les mathématiques sont essentielles dans les formations économiques. Elles constituent véritablement le langage de cette discipline, permettant de formaliser les raisonnements, de réaliser des démonstrations rigoureuses et de construire des modèles économiques précis. Cette prise de conscience a renforcé ma passion pour ces matières et m'a motivé à partager mes connaissances avec d'autres étudiants. Le programme de mathématiques de ma formation en économie est particulièrement complet, abordant des sujets tels que l'analyse de fonctions à une et plusieurs variables, l'algèbre linéaire, incluant la résolution de systèmes d'équations complexes, ainsi que le calcul matriciel avec ses aspects de déterminant, spectre et diagonalisation des matrices. En ce qui concerne la Probabilité et la Statistique, le programme couvre en détail la statistique descriptive, l'étude des variables aléatoires discrètes et continues, ainsi que des techniques d'échantillonnage, d'estimation et de test d'hypothèses, cruciales pour l'analyse empirique en économie. Mon désir de m'engager dans l'enseignement et la recherche découle directement de ma passion pour ces domaines. J'aspire à contribuer à la diffusion des connaissances et à aider les élèves en difficulté à surmonter leurs obstacles. Mes expériences antérieures de cours particuliers m'ont permis de constater l'impact positif que je pouvais avoir sur les parcours scolaires des étudiants, renforçant ainsi mon engagement envers l'enseignement. En proposant des cours particuliers, mon objectif est double : d'une part, assurer la réussite scolaire de mes élèves en leur fournissant les outils nécessaires pour exceller dans leurs études, et d'autre part, encourager une compréhension approfondie des sujets abordés, favorisant ainsi une réflexion critique et innovante. En somme, je considère l'enseignement comme l'un des piliers fondamentaux d'une société éclairée et égalitaire, et c'est avec détermination et enthousiasme que je souhaite y apporter ma contribution. Dans le cadre de mes cours particuliers, mon objectif premier est d'assurer la performance scolaire de mes élèves en leur fournissant un soutien adapté à leurs besoins. Cependant, au-delà de la réussite académique, je vise également à encourager une compréhension approfondie des sujets abordés et à stimuler une réflexion critique qui permettra à mes élèves de se démarquer et d'exceller dans leurs études. En somme, je suis animé par la volonté de contribuer à l'épanouissement intellectuel de mes élèves et à leur développement en tant que citoyens éclairés et engagés. Les cours que je propose sont structurés en deux temps forts, chacun étant essentiel pour une expérience d'apprentissage enrichissante. Dans un premier temps, nous entamerons la session en nous familiarisant mutuellement. Cela nous permettra de créer un environnement propice à l'apprentissage, où l'élève se sentira à l'aise pour exprimer ses attentes et les difficultés qu'il rencontre. Ensemble, nous fixerons également des objectifs clairs et réalisables, afin de donner une direction claire à nos séances. Le premier temps fort se concentre sur la partie théorique du cours. Je viendrai préparé avec un matériel pédagogique soigneusement élaboré, rédigé de manière accessible et présenté de façon simple. L'objectif est de compléter les enseignements souvent rigides et formalisés que l'élève reçoit dans son cursus scolaire. Cette approche vise à consolider la compréhension des concepts fondamentaux et à faciliter leur assimilation. Le deuxième temps fort est dédié à la mise en pratique des notions abordées. Je proposerai des exercices concrets qui permettront à l'élève d'appliquer les concepts théoriques étudiés. Tout comme pour la partie théorique, je serai là pour guider l'élève et corriger ses erreurs, favorisant ainsi une compréhension approfondie et une consolidation des acquis. À la fin de chaque séance, un moment de rétroaction sera instauré pour évaluer le ressenti de l'élève par rapport au déroulement du cours, au rythme adopté et à la méthode d'enseignement utilisée. Les retours des parents sont également les bienvenus, car ils contribuent à améliorer constamment la qualité de l'enseignement dispensé. Tout au long du cours, je favoriserai les échanges sur le sujet étudié, ainsi que sur d'autres sujets pertinents tels que l'orientation académique. Cette approche interactive permettra à l'élève de développer sa pensée critique et d'explorer des domaines connexes qui pourraient susciter son intérêt.

$10 /h
Free 20 min. trial
Magugu N.

Magugu N.

South Africa

New Tutor

Teaches: Economics

English teacher to children aged 9 years for 4 years now, a BCOM student in economics

I consider myself to be multifaceted, self motivated and an innovative individual. I am a quick decision maker, work well under pressure, i am meticul...

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Frequently asked questions about online classes in economics

🏠 How to study economics from home?

To study at home with the help of a tutor, you can take advantage of online classes. Online classes in economics allow you to learn the subject with a professional tutor from the comfort of your own home. This way, you can organise yourself without wasting time travelling. Classgap's online economics tutors are very knowledgeable and focus 100% on achieving your personal goals. The tutor can also motivate you to always do your best and provide you with additional material to keep you studying so that you can successfully pass your exams and tests.

🚀 How can I get the most out of online classes in economics?

To get the best results in economics and invest your time well in online classes, you must also apply yourself to individual study. Even the best online economics tutor won't be able to work miracles, so you will have to spend a lot of time studying. The tutor can help you clarify all your doubts and explain the concepts with an alternative method, but then you will make the difference. Remember also to go deeper with the additional material given to you by the tutor, complementing it with your textbooks.

Online economics classes

Reasons to study economics

When we talk about economics, the first thing we think of is money. This discipline is dedicated to the study of economic processes and how they affect society and, of course, the ways in which needs are met so that society can survive and prosper. Its main objective is to study the distribution of economic goods. Economics analyses the decisions that are made about the resources available and the needs they meet. Do you want to know more? Here are 5 reasons why it is important to study economics: Economics is essential: it is very important to know the economic models on which different systems are based. Economics has become essential to be able to find an alternative to overcome the multiple economic crises in today's society. Training is very broad: psychology, philosophy, history, sociology, politics, law, statistics and mathematics are some of the disciplines needed to train professionals. The broad field of work: although it may seem that economists are only called upon when there is a major crisis, they are present at all times and in all processes, as they are an essential part of government and business management. In addition, they can also be involved in research, teaching or financial institutions. From economics to politics: If your passion is the world of politics, economics is a window that will allow you to combine both interests. Political parties need the advice of a team of economists to carry out a government plan. Less likelihood of failure: as a student of economics you will have a broader understanding of the profitability of a business. You will be able to make fundamental decisions that will help you to get your project off the ground and have less chance of financial failure. If you want to manage the financial resources of a company, business, organisation or government, start learning with online classes in economics. Find your ideal tutor at Classgap. Sign up and start training to reach your goal.

The profile of a good economics student

Do you want to know if you have what it takes to be an economist? This is not to say that not everyone can study economics. These are some of the skills and abilities that a person who wants to study economics should have. Some of these skills can be worked on, but others you must have beforehand: here are the 10 characteristics that an economist should have: You must have an interest in marketing and commerce: this is one of the basic characteristics of the profile, as these two fields are closely related. In addition, you must have a good knowledge of the economic system of the country in which you live. A numerical mind: you must have a numerical ability that allows you to expand your skills in solving mathematical operations. Logical reasoning: in addition to the previous profile, you must be a person with logical ability. You need to have logical reasoning in deduction and induction to be a good economist. Analyse information: one of the main jobs is to collect, organise and analyse data and quantitative information. Know how to use software: you must know how to use one of the most necessary software related to data processing in business economics, SAP. Economists and financial experts are able to design successful strategies. Geography and history are essential: this sector is not static, it is constantly evolving. Knowing how other economic systems or financial strategies work will help you create a broader vision. Values and ethics: no matter what data or information you handle, always do so based on basic ethical values. Communication: another very important point, you must be able to express and transmit information, it is essential. Being a leader: You must know how to lead teams, strategies and changes, as well as how to obtain and safeguard information. Working in a team: you must be able to work in a team and, at the same time, lead some of the functions. Do you meet the requirements? Don't hesitate any longer and start with online classes in economics at Classgap. Enjoy and learn from home all the concepts and ideas that are part of economics. Learn from one of our online tutors.

What are online classes in economics from home like?

Classgap is an online classes platform that brings together tutors and students from all over the world. You can find a wide range of economics tutors who can help you if you are in high school or university, or if you simply want to learn the basics of economics. Learning will be personalised and tailored to your goals and needs. To get started with your online classes in economics, you must have access to an electronic device and a good Internet connection. Once you register with Classgap, you will be able to access the tutors in the economics grid and filter according to your needs. You must take into account different criteria such as: the time you want to take the classes, the level you are at or the maximum budget you want to invest. The classes are carried out through Classgap's virtual classroom. Here you will find all the tools and resources necessary for your online training to be complete and not have anything to envy to the face-to-face. Once you start the classes you will be able to count on the following resources: Screen sharing Option to share files, presentations, documents, Excel... Virtual whiteboard Option to share video links Built-in chat Learning economics is a challenge that you can achieve with virtual classes and at Classgap we can help you. Meet your goals and become an expert in economics. Learn from home with your online economics tutor and start now!